Protective Cat Dutifully Stops Toddler From Climbing Up the Steps

Mom can definitely count on this babysitter!

Pets really can make the best big siblings, and this cat is the ultimate proof. The adorable Russian blue kitty watches out for his toddler brother oh-so-carefully! Whenever the tot gets too close to the stairs, the cat wastes no time in stopping him.

We can tell how carefully this little lad's mom, @teetee__0, watches him, too, but having an extra set of paws around never hurts. Honestly, it's unexpected and adorable to see the cat so worried about his little brother!

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How precious is this? There's no doubt in our minds that this cat is trying to keep his brother safe--and it totally worked! Just like @blossomtrina said, "that cat taking his job very seriously." He'd make a great babysitter with that kind of focus!

"The cat looking like 'I ain’t finna play with these kids,'” wrote @1800toxic. Seriously! This Russian blue is all business when it comes to the stairs, just like a little security guard. We're sure Mom appreciates the diligence, though!

At the same time, it does leave us wondering how this cat learned that the little boy isn't allowed to play on the stairs. He must be so observant! We also loved @dimedgemini's theory that "that ain’t a cat that an ancestor." With that kind of protection and love, that certainly could be the case! Either way, this toddler definitely has someone looking out for him, and it's just the sweetest thing.

If only someone were looking out for us like that! @Theblaze66 wrote, "I need the cat to keep me out of the refrigerator." LOL! Honestly, though--that's not a bad idea. If this kitty can keep his brother off the stairs, who knows what else cats are capable of?

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