How to Protect Your Dog's Paws From the Snow, Salt and Ice During the Winter

How to Protect Your Dog's Paws From the Snow, Salt and Ice During the Winter

We all know that our pups our tough critters! But when winter comes around, the question always pops up: How can we better protect their little paws from the elements — snow, salt and ice?

"Here's the good news — dogs have something interesting in their paws where they exchange warm blood for cold blood," says veterinarian Dr. Courtney Campbell. "They can keep their pads warm during the cold months and cool during the summer months."

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Pretty incredible! But even so, those paw powers can only go so far. Thankfully, Dr. Courtney has two solutions for extra protection.

The first? Puppy booties! Dr. Courtney especially loves ones with treads on the bottom, 'cause they help keep our four-legged friends upright on the ice.

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But our vet is well aware that not all dogs love shoes, which is why he has a second option, too — and you probably already have it in your home: Vaseline! Applied to the paws, the petroleum jelly creates a protective barrier. It also helps heel cracked paws. (Just like human hands, paws can crack in the winter, too. ]]>😢