Propagating Succulents: 1 Plant, Hundreds of Babies!

Bryan Gardner
Bryan Gardner

Succulents, such as echeveria, aeonium, and jade, are easy to root from pups (offshoots of a larger plant) or leaves. Line a seed tray with paper towels, then fill it with a moistened soil blend (equal parts perlite, sand, and vermiculite). Cut off a pup with a sharp knife, and strip away the bottom leaves so one inch of stem is exposed. (Or simply remove individual leaves.) When rooting from individual leaves, be sure to choose plump, firm ones that show no signs of limpness. Let it sit a few days, until the cut end forms a callus. Then gently press it into the soil, water, and continue to keep moist. Divide plants into individual pots when you notice new growth, in about four to six weeks -- a sign that they have established roots.

[WATCH THIS: Understanding Soil Ingredients]

Propagating succullents is the best way to fill out a pot -- because the clippings are a lot more succulent than their mother plant. If you've noticed, succulents start to get leggy as they grow. And this is a good way to make sure your planters stay full and plump. Another reason to propagate? It's a very nice, personal, and inexpensive present to give to friends! Whatever your reason, as Martha says, "you can get a couple hundred dollars worth of plant off of one $9 plant! It's a very smart thing to do." Watch how it's done in this video below:

[SEE MORE: Exotic Plant Propagation Tips]