Professional Skier Intentionally Triggers Early Season Avalanche

While most open ski resorts in North America are encouraging their clientele to stick to on-piste runs with manmade snow, across the pond in Europe, big mountain terrain is already on tap.

And with bigger terrain comes bigger risks, as evidenced by this video featuring professional skier Tao Kreibich, who expertly ski cuts and triggers a wind-loaded face.

The ski cut, in which a skier rides above a loaded zone to set off an avalanche, is an advanced move best reserved for experienced backcountry travelers. It's used to determine if a zone is safe to ski before dropping in, and, as you might expect, it can have disastrous results if conducted incorrectly.

In short, as Kreibich wrote in his video caption, "Just a friendly reminder to get your gear ready and do your trainings!" With the arrival of fresh snow comes the risk of avalanches.

On a lighter note, conditions in Europe are firing. Kreibich and friends have been taking advantage of the plentiful powder on tap, hucking like nobody's business.

Yeah. You love to see it.

But it does make me wonder when Mother Nature will start delivering to my corner of the country. Yes, a storm is brewing off the coast of California, but Western Montana's been looking awfully dry (and warm!) recently. I'm sure those snow dances will pay off eventually.

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