Professional Skier Impresses Internet With First Snowboarding Attempt

Professional skier Drew Peterson is known for throwing his body down steep powdery terrain in a Hot Doggin'-esque manner. In fact, he's made a career out of it.

In a recent social media post, Peterson gave snowboarding a try for the first time, and the comments section was beyond impressed. Check out the clip below:

From the caption:

"Learning something new as an adult can be intimidating. It’s easier to stick to what we’re comfortable with or good at, but trying something new can help us change perspective and see our same routines or surroundings with fresh eyes. This can be especially helpful for winter to avoid falling into a rut. And, if you’re challenging yourself to learn something new, you might as well choose something fun!"

Can we take a second to acknowledge how good Peterson is at snowboarding for his first time?! If I'm not mistaken he was legitimately linking turns in that video...?

The comment section also took note:

"This is impressively good for a first (5) time(s)!"

"It’s so fabulous that you’re willing to learn something new. Most people get to a certain age and just stay with what they know and they’re comfort zone which is pretty limiting. Good for you."

"Nice moves out there."

Not bad Drew, not bad!<p>Drew Peterson</p>
Not bad Drew, not bad!

Drew Peterson

It's nice that the intense days of the skiing vs. snowboarding rivalry are mostly over (I'm looking at you Alta, Deer Valley, and Mad River Glen), and kudos to Peterson for stepping outside of comfort zone.

He's inspired me to strap a snowboard to my feet this spring and give it a try.

Who knows, maybe I'll be the next Zeb Powell...? Stay tuned.

Related: Drew Peterson Skis America's Steepest Trail With Ease

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