We Probably Won't See the Royal Family This Easter

Photo credit: STEVE REIGATE - Getty Images
Photo credit: STEVE REIGATE - Getty Images

It's been more than a year since COVID-19 first shut down public gatherings and changed life as we know it around the globe. While some things are beginning to get back on their pre-pandemic track—like the vaccinated members of the royal family making in-person appearances again—others remain in flux. One such instance: the Queen's Easter tradition of walking to St George's Chapel with her family for holiday services.

Last year, of course, the cancellation of the traditional walk was a given due to the first U.K. lockdown, but it appears that this year may not be a return to form. Though St George's Chapel remains temporarily closed to the public, reports suggest that there will be an Easter service for residents of Windsor Castle, but the Queen is not currently expected to attend.

"The overriding concern is to avoid crowds gathering," a royal source told Express. "If we said she was going to church the risk is that there would be a crowd." Instead, it's now expected that the Queen and those closest to her will worship in a private service to celebrate the holiday instead. That likely means that the other royals who typically accompany the Queen to church for Easter, like Prince Philip and the Cambridges, will also not be making an appearance.

The walk to St. George's isn't the only part of the royal Easter plans that have been shifted. On the Thursday before Easter, also known as Maundy Thursday, the Queen traditionally distributes special commemorative coins called "Maundy money" to people who have done good work in their churches and communities. While she's historically handed the coins out in person, but the ceremony was cancelled last year in the early days of the pandemic and the coins were sent out through the mail instead with a note from Her Majesty. This year, she undertook the same process, sending out coins to 190 recipients along with a letter of gratitude.

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