Pro Surfers Expertly Jump into Ocean During Sketchy Snapper Rocks Conditions

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Ever seen those videos of professional divers?

The ones in Italy or Croatia or somewhere in the Mediterranean. They huck their bodies off unthinkably high cliffs, basked in the soft orange hue of a European summer sunset, then twirl so wildly, so perfectly, as they plunge far below into the sea.

It’s quite beautiful. This, below, is not that. But it’s still pretty impressive.

“If you need a tutorial on how to navigate the rock-off at Snapper,” captioned Global Zoo, “then look no further than the opening clip where Parko, Lungi Slabb, and Mikey Wright show us how to traverse it with ease! Great waves on Coolangatta's Superbank a couple of days ago, and not as crowded as it usually gets. Joel Parkinson & Mick Fanning were out in the lineup and both were in good form in the long and hollow rights.”

Rocks and surfers have forever had a fraught relationship. On one hand, rocks make good waves, mostly beneath the surface; on the other, surfers often have to traverse said rocks, in order to enter or exit the ocean, and that often leads to perilous, comical situations.

Related: Video: Mayhem and Mutant Waves from Snapper Rocks

But not for the pros.

During the recent run of swell on the Gold Coast – which provided some mutant moments, and lured Kelly Slater to play hooky from the CT – local pros were in the lineup, doing as they do, showing the rest of the world how it’s done.

Like, the rock jump at Snapper. Mistime it, and you’ll be filleted – both literally along the crag and figuratively by hecklers on social media, if it’s caught on camera, which today, it most certainly will be. But guys like Parko have done it a million times.

As pretty as the cliff divers of the Mediterranean? Not quite. Effective? Totally.


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