Pro Skier Alex Hackel Gives Out Cash To Kids Landing Tricks

Professional skier Alex Hackel is once again doing it for the people.

Hackel handed out cash for tricks in a recent video during his "Hike And Hang" event at Sunshine Village Ski Resort, Alberta.

Hackel started the "Hike And Hang" in 2021 at Killington Ski Resort, Vermont, as a community event designed to gather up-and-coming freestylers in one place. The event was free, offering Hackel's fans an opportunity to meet the man himself and hang out for a couple of hours while shredding rails.

"The 'Hike And Hang' is about people trying new tricks, having a good attitude, and supporting the local community," Hackel said at the start of his recent video.

During the event at Sunshine, Hackel handed out prizes to shredders who landed a trick they'd never landed before. When the prizes ran out, the cash came out.

Although the 'Hike And Hang' isn't "a competition," Hackel said as he explained the format to attendees. Instead, it's a jam session where "having fun" is the focus.

And that, folks, is how you bring the freestyle community together.

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