Pro Shatters Trail Record On E-Mountain Bike

Mountain biking is an incredibly freeing activity. However, you are still at the mercy of how fast your legs can carry you.

At least you were until e-bikes came into the mix. In the last few years, electric mountain bikes have been a game changer in taking quick laps. Watch Scotty Laughland shatter his personal record on a lap below.

In this video, Laughland makes an attempt to do a lap of his local trails as fast as he can on his Scott Lumen e-bike. His previous record was 41 minutes. With the e-bike, he cut that down to about 28 minutes, about 30% faster!

Even though e-bikes come with electric motors, They are still beholden to the technicality of the ride. If the lap had a smooth road climb, the difference would have been greater.

E-bikes are good tools for people who want to get more laps in less time. As you can tell they are pretty fun too!

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