Pro Can Make Anything An Instagram-Worthy Feature

It isn't news that Phil Atwill is an absolute master of jibs and creative riding in addition to his World Cup Racing career, but sometimes it's helpful to have a reminder that he's still the boss.

Take a look at this little edit of him turning a bench sort of thing into a very cool looking feature below.

Phil's bike control has to be up there with the best of them if not topping the list. It is especially worth noting that he rides an absolutely huge bike even when he is doing stuff like this which is usually a realm reserved for tiny little jib bikes.

His videos are not only a masterclass in bike control but also in proving that, in most cases, it's not the wand, it's the wizard.

He also has a keen eye for turning just about any ordinary piece of infrastructure or otherwise mundane trail feature into a very edit-worthy feature. It is a skill that very few possess regardless of what action sport you look at.

We should all just consider ourselves lucky that we get to watch Phil do his thing and inspire us all to ride differently along the way.

Related: Phil Atwill is Never Not Drifting

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