It’s Priyanka Chopra vs. Nick Jonas in Vogue ’s Newlywed Game

Watch Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas play the Newlywed Game, in which they answer questions about their relationship.
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Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are officially married. And to celebrate, Vogue put them to the classic test: the Newlywed Game.

Yes, the Newlywed Game, in which each half of a couple answers questions about their relationship without consulting the other first. Since its television premiere in 1966, the game show has brought adorable moments, hilarity, and the cringe-worthy phrase making whoopee straight into America’s living rooms.

How do Chopra and Jonas fare in this challenge? They started with a softball—Where was our first kiss?—which they both got right: on a balcony at the Peninsula Beverly Hills. They also revealed that Jonas got down on one knee way before popping the question. After meeting Chopra at an Oscars after-party, Jonas says he bent down and said, “Where have you been all my life?”

He also has total recall about what Chopra wore on their first date: “Blue jeans. White tank top. Black leather jacket. Hair parted down the middle, and a red lip . . . of course,” he scribbled. Sounds like she made quite the impression.

What didn’t make an impression? The original Jonas Brothers band name. Because, for the life of her, Chopra couldn’t remember. “You need Google for this!” she says. (The correct answer is Sons of Jonas, and Chopra speaks for everyone when she retorts, “I’m really glad you guys became the Jonas Brothers.”)

Dying to know more about their relationship—or just who wins? Watch the entire video, above.

Priyanka Chopra in a Versace dress, Alchimia Di Ballin shoes, and Luv AJ earrings; Nick Jonas in Dolce & Gabbana jacket and pants, Saint Laurent shirt, and Common Projects shoes.

Captured on Pixel3.

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