Priyanka Chopra Calls Out the British Press For Racist Treatment of Meghan Markle

Photo credit: Jacopo Raule - Getty Images
Photo credit: Jacopo Raule - Getty Images


While Meghan Markle has been keeping a low profile since the birth of her son Archie, her friend Priyanka Chopra is stepping out to defend her friend against the British press. Meghan has been the frequent target of rumors and racist comments by the press since she was thrust into the spotlight after she started dating Prince Harry in 2016.

In an interview with The Sunday Times, Chopra discussed what it’s been like watching her friend be critiqued in the press saying, “I’ve seen that and it’s really unfortunate. But if there’s anyone who can handle it, it’s her.”

She continued, adding that she believes the unfair treatment of Meghan, at least in part, has to do with many be unable to accept a biracial women being in the Royal Family.

“Of course it has to do with racism, it’s an obvious reason. But the beauty of Meg is that she’s been herself through all of this,” she said. “A lot of people got to know her after everything [once she started dating Harry], but I knew her before and she’s the same chick. Now that she’s got a real platform, she talks about the same things she always did. We spent hours speaking about the difference that influence and dialogue can make to the world before this whole thing happened, so what you see now is authentically her. She’s always been the girl wanting to move the needle.”

Chopra, who attended Meghan’s wedding to Prince Harry in May 2018, has also been part of the rumors surrounding her friend. After Meghan missed out on Chopra’s wedding to Nick Jonas in December and Chopra didn’t attend Meghan’s baby shower in February, rumors of a feud between the friends surged. Chopra, however, has been quick to shut down the idea that the two are no longer pals.

After The Sun reported that Chopra visited Meghan and her new baby (and brought along some jewelry from Tiffany) in order to help mend their friendship, Chopra corrected the story on Twitter, saying that she was only in London for work.

“While these are great gift ideas… this story is untrue, and I was actually in town for work,” she wrote. “I hope whoever this ‘source’ is starts checking their facts more often.”

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