Prince William Is “Wary” of Prince Harry’s Decision to Attend Jubilee and Thinks It’s a “Stunt”

Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images
Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are joining the rest of the royal family to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee this summer, and naturally, there are already reports of “senior courtiers” spiraling and Prince William being “wary.”

According to a “well-placed source” who spoke to The Sun, the royals are pleased that Meghan and Harry are attending the Jubilee, but palace aides (and Prince William) are all kinds of stressed about the possibility of Netflix cameras coming with them.

“While the family are delighted Harry and Meghan are coming, there is a real fear of tension, especially over any Netflix crew. There are concerns tension could explode if the Netflix team comes to the UK and tries to exploit their opportunities. The worry is they will push it and try to gain access to areas of Jubilee celebration events where they can film Harry and Meghan and their children. Even if they accept that their Netflix crew can’t go into Buckingham Palace to film, they could cause problems—and at the very least cause a major distraction.”

The source added, “Senior courtiers believe that Netflix will see it as one big opportunity to exploit their mega-millions agreement with the couple. So a team of Palace aides will be on standby to keep a very close eye on the crew, and act as minders if needs be.”

Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images
Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images

Meanwhile, sources say William is “wary” of Harry’s decision to attend the Jubilee, and he and Kate are worried their appearance is a “stunt” to steal the spotlight. As an insider mused, “William wants to talk to Harry to try to heal the rift between them but he’s fearful it will find its way on to Netflix, Oprah or into Harry’s upcoming book.”

Like...pretty sure Meghan and Harry just want to attend the Queen’s celebration and chill, but okay!

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