Prince William Surprised Kate Middleton with a Beautiful Bracelet for Christmas

Prince William Surprised Kate Middleton with a Beautiful Bracelet for Christmas

Prince William and Kate Middleton had a low-key (by which I mean fancy/royal) Christmas this year due to their plans to visit Sandringham getting canceled—and apparently they exchanged some meaningful gifts while they were at it.

“While Kate and William avoid overly spoiling the children, they let the rule slide at Christmas,” a source tells Us Weekly, who noted that George got a camping kit (complete with a tent, walkie talkies, and a flashlight), Louis got a climbing frame, and Charlotte got a video camera.

Cool, fun, cute, but more importantly William gave Duchess Kate a gorgeous piece of jewelry because he wanted the holiday to feel extra special for her. As the source put it, “After a busy year, William wanted to make this Christmas extra special for Kate and surprised her with a beautiful bracelet.”

Meanwhile, it looks like despite previous reports that Wills and Kate had joined the Queen at Windsor, they stayed at their country home Anmer Hall—where Kate put together a "homemade feast."

“Kate cooked a traditional Christmas feast for lunch – turkey, stuffing, pigs in blankets, ham, roast potatoes and all the trimmings,” the source said, adding that Kate “used her creative skills to decorate the table with candles, evergreen branches and cones as centerpieces. The children helped Kate bake a chocolate Christmas log and apple pie for dessert, but the highlight was making a gingerbread house, covered in their favorite sweets."

They also made sure to video chat with the Queen, so sounds like a cozy day all around. Kay, that's all, back to my busy schedule of lying face down on the floor post-leftovers.

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