Prince William Is Not Pleased When He Asks a Little Kid to Guess His Age at a Royal Engagement and Gets His (Very Candid) Response: “I’m Not That Old”

 Prince William in Scotland.
Prince William in Scotland.

Okay, so in all fairness, this question is a dangerous one to pose, especially to young children—but Prince William went for it anyway and asked a group of schoolkids in Scotland to guess his age while on an engagement this week.

The Prince and Princess of Wales were visiting Burghead Primary School in Moray when the lighthearted exchange happened. While on a walkabout, taking questions from the youngsters, William (who, for the record, is 41) was asked by a child how old he was, to which he asked the child to guess his age. The (very brave) kid said he thought William looked 57, to which “the heir to the throne looked shocked and revealed his real age,” The Mirror reports.

Prince William in Scotland
Prince William in Scotland

“I’m not that old,” William said, playing up the horror at being aged by 16 years in a single instant.

“While the prince fielded unflattering questions about his aging appearance, the Princess of Wales volunteered to time a bike race between some of the other children,” The Mirror reports. (The “other duties as assigned” of being a prince—take “unflattering questions about your aging appearance” on the chin.)

Prince William in Scotland
Prince William in Scotland
Prince William in Scotland
Prince William in Scotland

Some other questions fielded at William by pupils included whether William brought any soldiers from the King’s Guard with him.

William and Kate sported helmets and rode bikes themselves, biking through ramps in the community gardens as some cheered “Go on, William.”

Prince William in Scotland
Prince William in Scotland
Prince William in Scotland
Prince William in Scotland

By the way, this is not the first time that age has come up at a royal engagement for the couple. Back in June, it was Kate’s turn to be asked about her age, telling a little girl at an event in London “I’m 41. Don’t tell anyone.”

William and Kate’s visit to Moray was undertaken to highlight work done by Outfit Moray, which arranges outdoor learning and adventures like mountain biking for young people to boost their confidence, The Telegraph reports.