Prince Philip Just Arrived at Princess Eugenie's Wedding

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From Town & Country

Prince Philip just arrived at Windsor Castle for Princess Eugenie's wedding, an appearance which comes as something of a surprise. Up until this morning, it was unclear if the Duke of Edinburgh would be there for his granddaughter's celebration.

On Tuesday, the Telegraph reported that Philip "now operates on a 'wake up and see how I feel' basis."

"The royals are like any family in the sense they try to make family occasions but it is not always possible," a royal insider told the British publication. "I’m sure he would love to be there to see his granddaughter get married but no one would blame the Duke if he didn’t feel up to attending the wedding on the day - he’s only three years off 100."

An anonymous source in People magazine, said something similar earlier this year.

“He does what he wants,” said the unnamed source. “He made a supreme effort for Harry. I would be very surprised if he did go, because he is so estranged from Fergie. I think he will decide at the 99th hour.”

Indeed, it appears he did decide to come rather last-minute.

Yesterday, the royal family released the order of service for Eugenie's marriage ceremony, and Prince Philip was not listed as arriving with the Queen. But as Gert's Royals said on Twitter, "The Order of Service is printed in advance, so they left his name off incase he needed to back out last minute."

Given the question surrounding whether or not he would make it, his attendance surely means a lot to Princess Eugenie, as she has a fond affection for her grandfather.

"I think Grandpa is incredible," Princess Eugenie said of the 97-year-old Philip in the documentary Our Queen at Ninety. "He really is strong and consistent. He's been there for all these years, and I think he's the rock, you know, for all of us."

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