Prince Philip Attends Princess Eugenie's Wedding After All

Queen Elizabeth’s husband, Prince Philip, is 97 years old and recently recovered from a major hip surgery, so it’s more-than-acceptable for him to skip an event or two.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are thought to have had their wedding so quickly after getting engaged to ensure that the Duke of Edinburgh was able to attend. While Philip did make it to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s wedding in May, there was speculation that he wouldn’t be well enough to attend granddaughter Princess Eugenie’s nuptials in October, roughly five months after Meghan and Harry’s.

That said, he did show up for Friday's big day, tagging along at the side of the Queen, herself dressed in a powder blue ensemble.

Though time has passed and it’s likely that Philip’s health has since worsened, there’s another reason people wondered about his attendance at Eugenie’s wedding to Jack Brooksbank: he’s notoriously averse to the bride’s mother, his former daughter-in-law, Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York (aka Fergie).

Looks like the bad blood is behind them.