Prince Harry's Memoir Is "Done" and Coming Out in Time for the Holidays

Prince Harry's Memoir Is "Done" and Coming Out in Time for the Holidays

Another day, another update on the most anticipated book of the year: Prince Harry's memoir. Which everyone thinks is going to be super dramatic, even though he literally hasn't implied as much in any way, shape, or form!

There's been some speculation about when the book will launch, and according to The Sun it's poised to drop in November/December right in time for the holiday market.

Per a publishing source, “The manuscript has been finished and gone through all of the legal processes. It’s done and out of Harry’s hands. The publishing date has been pushed back once but it is on track for the end of the year.”

Can't wait, preparing my holiday wish-list that I still make as an adult woman, it's fine, etc.

And by the way, if you're wondering how the royals feel about this memoir, the answer appears to be 🌀. Apparently, there's particular concern that the book could take aim at Prince Charles' wife Duchess Camila, with a source somewhat dramatically saying "Anyone who is anyone is saying it’s going to attack Camilla." A source also told The Sun that “Charles has shared his concerns with William and is keen he somehow goes on the record and sticks up for Camilla should the book attack her. But as much as William loves his father, he’s unlikely to want to get involved. In all likelihood, he will try and stay neutral.”

Meanwhile, another insider source told Page Six that “There’s a lot of new stories in there about the past that Harry has not spoken about before, about his childhood … there is some content in there that should make his family nervous.”

Either way, it's almost certain that Harry won't have anything but lovely things to say about his grandmother the Queen—and in fact he informed her personally that he was writing the book!

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