Prince Harry Says His Wedding Guest List Is a Work in Progress

meghan markle prince harry
meghan markle prince harry

That’s going to be one mega task. Prince Harry revealed in a pre-taped interview on BBC Radio this week that the guest list for his highly-anticipated wedding to Meghan Markle is currently a work in progress.

The fifth-in-line to the British Royal throne, 33, sat down for an interview with former U.S. President Barack Obama this week while guest editing Radio 4’s morning show Today. The two have enjoyed a long friendship since Obama was in office, so the recently-engaged royal was asked whether he would invite the former head of state and his wife, Michelle Obama, to the wedding of the year.

“We haven’t put the invites or the guest list together yet so who knows whether he’s going to be invited or not,” Harry diplomatically replied. “I wouldn’t want to ruin that surprise.” (There has been some interest surrounding the invitation list after the Sun UK released a report this week about current U.S. President Donald Trump’s potential reaction to an invitation snub especially if the Obamas are invited.)

The couple will marry on May 19, 2018, at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle, which is also the part-time home of Queen Elizabeth II. The church holds approximately 800 people. Since it’s not a state-sponsored event, the wedding will be planned by Buckingham Palace.

Just this past week, the couple broke from royal tradition and had Markle attend Christmas service at Sandringham with other family members.

“She really enjoyed it,” Harry added. “The family loved having her there.”

For the countryside stay, the engaged pair were guests at the home of Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, as well as Prince George and Princess Charlotte. “There’s always that family part of Christmas [where] there’s always that work element there as well, and I think together we had an amazing time,” he added. “We had great fun staying with my brother and sister-in-law and running round with the kids. Christmas was fantastic.”

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