Prince Harry Has a Habit That Is Totally Weirding Out Meghan

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

BBC's new documentary Prince, Son and Heir: Charles at 70 is technically about the future King of England (aka our dude Charles), but it's full of rare behind-the-scenes facts about other members of the royal family-and everyone is spilling tea.

Not only did we finally get the inside story of what went down when Harry asked Charles to walk Meghan Marke down the aisle, Prince William called out his dad for not spending time with his grandkids. But the best anecdote by far is Prince Harry inexplicably telling the world about his obsession with turning off lights, and how Meghan Markle thinks it's all kinds of WTF.

"My wife certainly goes, 'Well, why turn the lights off? It’s dark,'" Harry said. "I go, 'We only need one light, we don’t need, like, six,' and all of a sudden, it becomes a habit."

Photo credit: Giphy
Photo credit: Giphy

Wow, um. If this is the kinda thing these two argue about, they are truly meant to last.

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