Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Are “Taking a Break for the Next Few Months” After Shutting Down Their Sussex Royal Brand

From Cosmopolitan

  • Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will be taking a break after officially shutting down their Sussex Royal brand.

  • According to a royal commentator, the break will last for a few months.

Now that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have finally closed down their Sussex Royal brand and moved to Los Angeles, you might think they’re busy planning out their next big nonroyal moves and working on launching their new charitable foundation and brand. However, you’d be very wrong—apparently, Meghan and Harry are currently taking some time off and not stressing about what comes next for them.

On his podcast The Heir Pod, royal expert Omid Scobie shares that Meg and Harry have “surprised everyone” with the decision to take a break so soon after officially stepping down. He said (via Daily Mail):

“It is interesting because we had such a buildup since January to the departure of Meghan and Harry stepping back as senior working royals. Suddenly on March 31, it sort of crept up on us really quickly, we had the couple announcing the beginning of their transition period over the next year on Instagram.

“At the same time, they were announcing that they are closing down their social media and their website and taking a break for the next few months. I think it has really taken everyone by surprise. Because there was so much talk about the couple preparing projects and ready to launch initiatives. When actually it was two people that were like, ‘We need a break too.’”

And that actually makes a lot of sense—the past few months have probably been really stressful for Meghan and Harry, and with most of the world on lockdown, it’s not the *best* time to launch a new brand. Excited to see what they eventually come up with though!

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