Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Moved Again Because He “Absolutely Hated” Being in L.A.

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Photo credit: WPA Pool - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

  • Prince Harry and Meghan Markle recently moved to Montecito in Santa Barbara, California.

  • Harry and Meghan made the move from Los Angeles to Montecito because Harry wanted more privacy.

IDK if you heard, but Prince Harry and Meghan Markle booked it out of Los Angeles the first chance they got and just purchased a shiny new house in Montecito, Santa Barbara…a mere one-hour drive from their former property. While it seems rather sudden, Montecito was always on Meghan and Harry’s radar, apparently.

“Meghan visited Montecito in her teens and fell in love with the picturesque scenery and stunning architecture,” a source told Us Weekly. “Moving there was always an option, but to begin with, she and Harry wanted to give Los Angeles a shot.”

“Giving Los Angeles a shot” didn’t end up working out too well for a few reasons. “Unfortunately, Harry absolutely hated it—the timing was so wrong amid the [COVID-19] pandemic and they lacked privacy,” the source added.

The good news is that if Meghan and Harry are ever missing Los Angeles, it’s a short car ride away. “An added bonus is that Montecito is only just over an hour’s drive from L.A., which is where a majority of their work is based, yet far enough away to escape the crowds, paparazzi, and tourism in Hollywood.”

And moving to Montecito has another unspoken advantage for Meghan and Harry—creating more financial distance from the rest of the royal family. Harry could’ve hit up his dad, Prince Charles, for some ~financial assistance~, but allegedly, he opted not to. Why? Because “getting his dad financially involved would result in the royals having control over him. It would mean going backward,” a separate Us Weekly source reported.

Fingers crossed Meghan and Harry get that sweet privacy they’re searching for!

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