So Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Might Be Moving To Africa For 3 Years

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Women's Health

  • There's a new report saying that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's future royal roles will be taking them abroad.

  • Although the decision about where they're heading won't be decided until next year, it's being speculated that Harry and Megs would move to Africa for their new positions.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are in the middle of two major life changes: First, they recently moved into their newly renovated Frogmore Cottage home (and FYI those updates cost around £3 million), and secondly, they are about to welcome their first baby, arriving any day now.

And while literally any other couple might think that a move to a new house and a new child would translate into a good time to settle down and get used to their new life, it looks like Meghan and Harry might actually not want to get too comfortable in Windsor.

Daily Mail shares that Meghan and Harry could be moving abroad for "a role that involves the Commonwealth, charity work and promoting Britain." The location of this "bespoke" international position has yet to be determined, but apparently the role will be about utilizing Meghan and Harry's "rock star" status to bring attention to various causes, and the move would be for two or three years.

The location is "unlikely to be decided until next year," but it's being speculated that Harry and Meghan would move to somewhere in Africa because of the continent's significance for the couple. Not only is Harry the president of the African Parks Network nonprofit, but he also spent a year in Lesotho back in 2004, and more recently he took Meghan to Botswana in 2017. They even shared some pictures from their trip on Instagram last month:

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The Duke of Sussex attends the ‘Our Planet’ premiere at the Natural History Museum with The Prince of Wales and The Duke of Cambridge, lending their joint support for the protection of our environment. As president of @africanparksnetwork, The Duke of Sussex continues to advocate for the communities and wildlife that coexist in some of the most vulnerable environments around the world. Be it human wildlife conflict or natural disasters, these communities (park rangers, school children, families) are on the frontline of conservation and we must do more to help them as we also work to safeguard the animals and landscapes that are in critical danger. A few recent photos that look back on: Prince Harry’s long time commitment to this cause as well as a glimpse into the work he and The Duchess of Sussex did in 2017. Their Royal Highnesses travelled to Botswana to assist Dr. Mike Chase of Elephants Without Borders in equipping a bull elephant with a satellite collar. Approximately 100 elephants are poached/killed every day for their ivory tusks. Using satellite technology allows conservationists to track their critical migratory patterns and to protect them and the local communities from human wildlife conflict. The elephant pictured was sedated for just 10 minutes before he was up and back with his herd. Tracking his movements has allowed conservationists to better protect him and other elephants and ensure heightened protection for these beautiful creatures moving forward. Credit: Image 1 PA

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Apr 4, 2019 at 12:33pm PDT

A spokesperson for the royal family commented on the rumor of Harry and Meghan's international move, saying, "any future plans for The Duke and Duchess are speculative at this stage. No decisions have been taken about future roles." And while that doesn't sound like "Megs and Harry are movin' on out to Africa!" it also doesn't sound like they're totally denying it either.

So I guess we'll just have to wait until the Palace gives us more details about Harry and Meghan's plans. Until then, I'm heading back to royal baby watch...

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