Prince Harry Was Literally Beaming During Meghan Markle's Speech Today and There's a Video

Photo credit: BEN STANSALL - Getty Images
Photo credit: BEN STANSALL - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Photo credit: BEN STANSALL - Getty Images
Photo credit: BEN STANSALL - Getty Images

Today, Meghan Markle hosted a launch event for her cookbook Together: Our Community Cookbook, which supports the victims and survivors of the Grenfell Tower Fire. At the lunch, she gave a passionate speech about what working on the project has meant to her, and her husband Prince Harry had the absolute cutest reaction.

Skip to the end of the video below to see it. You won't be disappointed, trust.

HE'S LITERALLY BEAMING. He looks so proud and cute and dapper and husbandly and it's just too f*cking much to handle.

In case you missed it, I've provided some screenshots here for your convenience.

Photo credit: Twitter, Omid Scobie
Photo credit: Twitter, Omid Scobie
Photo credit: Twitter, Omid Scobie
Photo credit: Twitter, Omid Scobie

While she was speaking, Meghan told the people at the event that she was incredibly proud to work with them on putting together the book.

"Working on this project for the past nine months has been a tremendous labor of love. I had just recently moved to London and felt so immediately embraced by the women in the kitchen with your warmth, and your kindness," she said.

"And also to be able to be in this city and to see, in this one small room, how multicultural it was. On a personal level I feel so proud to live in a city that can have so much diversity."

In her speech, she indicated that there are 12 different countries represented in the women who created book.

"Thank you so much for allowing me to go on this adventure with you. I'm so privileged to know you," she said.

Photo credit: WPA Pool - Getty Images
Photo credit: WPA Pool - Getty Images

You can pre-order the cookbook here. pre-order now

Follow Emma on Instagram.

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