Prince Harry Biographer Claims “Anyone Who Is Anyone” Is Saying His Memoir Will “Attack” Duchess Camilla

Prince Harry Biographer Claims “Anyone Who Is Anyone” Is Saying His Memoir Will “Attack” Duchess Camilla
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Prince Harry’s upcoming memoir is probably one of the most anticipated books of the year, but apparently there are concerns among the royals (sigh) that he could write about his stepmother, Duchess Camilla.

Author Angela Levin, who wrote a biography of Prince Harry and was
“granted privileged access to his home in Kensington Palace” during the process, tells Talk Radio (via The Sun), “Harry’s memoir is coming out at the end of the year. Anyone who is anyone is saying it’s going to attack Camilla and make her responsible for [his] mental health and how she stole his father from his mother.”

Erm…Harry hasn’t said anything to imply that this is the case, and Angela herself noted that when she met Harry, “he was very nice about [Camilla], said she was a wonderful woman and said he liked her very much.” She also said that Camilla was “very helpful to Meghan when she first joined—took her out for lunch and tried to teach her some of the things she needed to know—the restrictions and the disadvantages as well as the positives.”

Photo credit: Pool/Tim Graham Royal Photos - Getty Images
Photo credit: Pool/Tim Graham Royal Photos - Getty Images

Despite this, Levin seems to think the memoir could be “spiteful” toward the royal family and impact Harry’s relationship with Prince Charles:

“Prince Charles is very malleable because he loves Harry very much so he might be more inclined to let him have his way, but I think if he reads what he says about Camilla, then he won’t do that.”

This news comes after a source told The Sun that Charles told aides he fears Harry’s book will be an “excoriating takedown” of Camilla and that “Charles has shared his concerns with William and is keen he somehow goes on the record and sticks up for Camilla should the book attack her. But as much as William loves his father, he’s unlikely to want to get involved. In all likelihood, he will try and stay neutral.”

The official press release for Harry’s book says it’ll cover his “lifetime in the public eye from childhood to the present day, including his dedication to service, the military duty that twice took him to the front line of Afghanistan, and the joy he has found in being a husband and father.” So it doesn’t sound like Camilla will be a big, or even small, focus? But okay!

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