Prince Harry Basically Just Let Everyone Know That the Royal Baby Hasn’t Arrived Yet

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

  • Prince Harry showed up at the London Marathon this morning, suggesting that Meghan Markle hasn’t given birth to the royal baby yet.

  • Harry also made a surprise appearance on Thursday.

IDK about you, but I’ve been on edge all week in anticipation of any news about the royal baby-Meghan Markle is thought to be due late April/early May, meaning there could be a new little royal any day now. But it seems like Prince Harry doesn’t care about how stressed fans have been trying to figure out Meg’s due date, ’cause he’s still out here making unannounced appearances right and left, with no regard to the fact that it’s been giving me/the internet a mini heart attack.

On Thursday, Prince Harry made a surprise appearance in London for the Anzac Day Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey. He wasn’t previously scheduled to be at the event, but he casually strolled in with Kate Middleton anyway, strongly suggesting that the royal baby hadn’t arrived yet (he’d prob want to be at home if that were the case).

Photo credit: .
Photo credit: .

And just this morning, Harry made another surprise appearance in London, this time to visit the London Marathon and, according to the Daily Mail, “meet volunteers, watch the runners, and present medals to the marathon and wheelchair winners.”

Here he is this morning, looking none too concerned that Meg might give birth imminently:

Photo credit: Naomi Baker - Getty Images
Photo credit: Naomi Baker - Getty Images

It could be that Meghan isn’t due for a bit, which would be why Harry is opting to attend these events. After all, unlike the rest of us, he’s likely aware of her exact due date.

That would also help explain why Prince William hasn’t been carrying a phone on him-yesterday, William told a fan he didn’t have any royal baby update because he didn’t have his phone, which was very 🤔. Anyway, if the due date is in May, it would make a lot more sense why Will isn’t on high alert and why Harry has been making so many trips to London. What do you think?

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