Prince George Looked Ridiculously Grown Up at His Cousin Princess Eugenie's Wedding

Princess Eugenie's royal wedding just got even cuter.

As Buckingham Palace announced a couple days before the bride walked down the aisle to marry Jack Brooksbank, 5-year-old Prince George played a crucial role in the whole shebang, and he looked so grown up and sure of himself. Prince George was one of six youngsters chosen to support Princess Eugenie as part of the bridal party during her Windsor Castle wedding on Friday.

Just look at how sweet he looks:

George has been in many weddings before, most recently that of his sister Princess Charlotte's godmother Sophie Carter. He was also part of his Aunt Meghan Markle and Uncle Prince Harry's royal wedding back in May.

RELATED: Why Princess Charlotte Is Worth $1 Billion More to the British Economy Than Prince George

Better to just call him a pro at this point.