"Pretty Little Liars" Creator Just Gave Us the Emison Update We’ve Been Waiting For

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Photo credit: Freeform

From Seventeen

Hold on to your chairs, Emison fans! Because I. Marlene King just gave a MAJOR updated on our favorite ship and we just can't handle it.

I. Marlene King closed out Pride month with the best Emison news. A fan had asked the series creator of Pretty Little Liars and Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists about how the couple was doing after the spin-off ended.

"Emison is going strong. They are reunited and loving each other hard. Plus they are great moms, raising their daughters to be strong women who are true to themselves and their identities," she wrote.

Fans were upset after it was revealed during an episode of Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists that the couple had divorced. The show did not have Emily, played by Shay Mitchell, pop up in any of the episodes. Alison ended up moving across the country to teach at Beacon Heights University, leaving many fans wondering what happened to couple throughout the series.

Before the spin-off aired, the couple seemingly had a happy ending in the original Pretty Little Liars series, where they're seen together with their twin daughters. Sasha Pieterse, who played Alison on both shows, gave her idea of what happened to the couple last year.

"They've started fresh and are raising the kids somewhere and are happy," she told Entertainment Tonight. "I feel like Alison would have eventually gone back and taught at Hollis [College] and kind of just finally lived a more peaceful life and found herself better."

Hopefully, we'll get the chance to head back to Rosewood and see our favorite couple back together again soon.

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