What It Means to Have Pressure in Your Head

Medically reviewed by Nicholas R. Metrus, MD

Pressure in your head can have different causes, with symptoms that affect different areas depending on whether the cause is a migraine headache, allergies, or more. The underlying factor isn't usually life-threatening but the pressure can be the result of serious condition such as head injury or brain tumor.

With a tension headache or sinus infection, there are over-the-counter medications and home remedies that can help to relieve your symptoms. You may need to see a healthcare provider to diagnose what's causing pressure in your head, though, and to ensure appropriate treatment.

This article will explore what types of problems can cause pressure in your head and what you can do to find relief. It also presents causes that may be related to an underlying health condition.

<p>Kseniya Ovchinnikova / Getty Images</p>

Kseniya Ovchinnikova / Getty Images

Why You May Have Pressure in Your Head

Your head is made up of a complex system of lobes, empty spaces called sinuses, blood vessels, nerves, and ventricles. Pressure is regulated very closely in all of these systems, and any disruption to this balance can be noticeable.

It can be difficult to figure out what is causing discomfort with a headache. Pain, pressure, irritability, and nausea are all symptoms that can occur with headaches.

Location of the Pressure

Pressure in your head in more than one spot is possible with a migraine or a severe cold. Pain also may occur in more than one spot if you have a head injury. If the feeling of pressure is more specific, it can help provide clues about the cause of your symptoms.

Medical issues can cause pressure in different areas. For example, a sinus infection may cause pressure in your face, especially under your eyes and around your nose. A migraine or tension headache, on the other hand, can appear as:

  • A band of pressure around the head

  • Pain or pressure behind your eyes

  • Stiffness and pressure at the back of the head or neck

If you feel head pressure often, or it becomes worse with treatment, you may want to schedule an appointment with your provider to discuss your symptoms. Details about what the pressure feels like can help your provider make a diagnosis and find the best treatment for you.

Causes of Pressure in Your Head

While pressure and pain in your head are important symptoms to discuss with your healthcare provider, the root cause of the problem is not always clear. There are a number of potential causes, some more serious than others.

Tension Headache

Tension headaches are the most common form of headache that feels like pressure squeezing around your head. These headaches usually develop because of tightness in the head and scalp muscles caused by:

Unusual positioning of the head or illness can cause tension headaches. Beyond muscle tension, these types of headaches can develop because of:

Adults and older teens are most likely to develop tension headaches, and they are more common in people assigned female at birth than in males. Tension headaches can also run in families.

Related: Why Are Men Less Likely to Get Migraines?

Sinus Headache

A sinus headache (rhinosinusitis) is caused by a viral or bacterial infection in your sinus cavities. There are more than a dozen sinus cavities in your face—on each side of your nose between your eyes, in your cheeks, and on your forehead. The location of where these headaches cause pressure can vary, depending on which sinuses are infected.

True sinus headaches are rare but are obvious from the thick, discolored nasal drainage that comes with the infection. You might also have facial pain and pressure, lose your sense of smell, or have a fever.


You may develop feelings of pressure when your sinuses are blocked or inflamed because of a cold or allergies.

Related: Sinus Headache Without Congestion: How to Find Relief


Migraines are a recurring type of headache that can take many forms. They cause throbbing pain or pressure in the head, either both sides or just one.

Classified as a neurological disease and not just a headache, migraines affect about 39 million Americans and cause symptoms ranging from pain and nausea to visual disturbances (aura).

There are many different migraine triggers, which are usually unique to each person. Some common causes include:

If migraines run in your family, they are likely genetic.


The best way to understand what is triggering your migraine is to keep a diary of what you ate, your activities, and how you felt before, during, and after a migraine occurs.


Ear Conditions

Your ears play a role in helping your body sense movement and balance. A problem in the part of the inner ear that helps control balance can cause a type of migraine called a vestibular migraine. While migraines are often associated with pain, this type of migraine doesn't always feature this symptom. Problems with balance and feelings of vertigo (a sense of spinning) are common with these migraines.

In addition to migraines, an ear infection can also cause feelings of pressure or pain in your head. Infections in the ear put pressure on the delicate structures of the middle and inner ear. These infections are often caused by viral illness or bacteria.

Concussion and Head Injuries

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that usually results from a physical blow to the head that causes movement of your brain inside your skull. Contact sports are common causes of concussions.

Head pressure and headache are typical symptoms reported with concussions. People often experience other symptoms, such as nausea, alongside the head pain.

Neurological Causes

Many neurological diseases and conditions can lead to increased pressure in your head. The pain will depend on the specific cause. A stroke, for example, may affect the whole head while changes in brain fluid level might affect just the base of the skull.

One of these conditions is known as intracranial hypertension, a generic term to describe increased pressure in the brain. For some people, there is no clear cause, and this is called idiopathic intracranial hypertension.

Other causes of increased intracranial pressure include:


Pressure in your head also can occur only at times when you move to stand up, bend over to reach a low shelf, or otherwise change your posture so that your blood pressure is affected.

There are a few possible causes. Some people only experience these postural changes after eating (called postprandial hypotension), but headaches related to blood pressure shifts can often occur in people with a blood circulation disorder called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

Other causes may be rare but also quite serious, including a leak of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) into the nose or ear.

At-Home Remedies for Head Pressure

Treatment depends on what is causing the increased pressure in the first place. You can effectively treat some causes of pressure in your head at home but others may require medical attention. If the cause of your pain is a cold or headache, you can try home remedies like:

  • Warm compresses on your face to open your sinuses

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) decongestants or antihistamines

  • Humidity or steam

  • Rest

  • Massage

  • OTC pain relievers

Head pressure caused by sinus or ear infections may require treatment with antibiotics unless it's caused by a viral illness. You also may need to consider allergies as a potential cause, and find ways to manage and prevent allergic responses.

If a blood clot, increased fluid in your head, or brain tumor is the cause, your healthcare provider will need to perform more tests to tailor your treatment to the underlying problem.

When to See a Healthcare Provider

Pressure in your head or head pain isn't always serious, but some conditions can cause these symptoms and require immediate examination and treatment. If the pressure or pain in the head is sudden and severe, seek emergency care.


If you have recurring head pressure or pain, especially with symptoms like loss of balance or coordination, mood changes, fever, or nausea, you should call your healthcare provider or seek emergency medical care.

Read Next: What Is a Headache Specialist and Do You Need One?


Headache, injury, illness, or disease can cause pressure in your head. The location of the pressure or pain can help your healthcare provider determine the cause. Most of the time, pressure in your head is not serious.

Head pressure can be treated with home remedies or may require prescription medication, like antibiotics, in more severe cases. Talk to your healthcare provider about any concerns about your symptoms.

Regardless of severity, identifying the cause and finding an effective treatment is important to your health.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.