Presenting GQ’s Official Royal Wedding Bingo

Let's just assume we're all waking up at 4 A.M. on May 19 to watch the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, because yes, the monarchy is a questionable institution, and yes, marriage is also historically a tool of oppression, but sometimes even though we know it's all bread and circuses, it's all we got, okay? Great, so you're waking up at 4 A.M., and you made scones and clotted cream the night before, and you've poured yourself a breakfast Pimm's Cup, and now what? You can't watch three hours of two strangers' wedding ceremony without any other activity, so you might as well play bingo.

We present GQ's Official Royal Wedding Bingo, which also doubles as a drinking game, because why not drink every time one of these things happens? It's so early it's practically night.

Will somebody trip on their way to the altar? Which weird hat will break the Internet? Extra points if Prince Charles falls asleep in the middle of the ceremony.