How To Prepare for a Second Interview, Plus 50 Second Interview Questions to Practice in Advance

Put your best foot forward (again) in the second round.

Hurray! You interviewed for a job position and you’ve just got a call back for another round. This usually means that you’re one step closer to getting that job offer—whether it's your dream job, a work-at-home job or a part-time job you're excited about.

Celebrations are in order now that you've made it through round 1 and answered all of your prospective employer's first interview questions well, but keep in mind that second interviews are usually a bit different from the first go around. This time, you may find yourself sitting across from the company’s senior managers, and they will likely have more in-depth second interview questions for you.

The second interview is mostly focused on whether you will be a fit for both the job role and the company. This interview will be more personal and tailored to know more about you, so knowing how to prepare for a second interview will help you make a good impression.

With a second interview approaching, here are some of the best ways you can prep for it.

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5 Things To Do Before Your Second Interview

1. Research the company and the interviewer

While browsing the company website, find details about their history, mission and goals, then make sure you align your answers in a way that conveys your aptitude for both the job specifics and the organization.

Just like how the company most likely looked over your profile on Linkedin or combed meticulously through your resume, you need to do the same with the organization and even the interviewer, as well. It is key that you know what type of company that you may work for and if they, in turn, match with your career values and morals.

Researching the interviewer also gives you more background into their role within the company. You can use this research and bring it up as a part of your own series of questions later on in the interview process (which we will touch on later).

2. Research the typical salary range for the job and decide how to answer that question if it comes up

Answering questions about salary can be a bit of a taboo from the interviewee’s perspective, at least that’s what we’ve been taught, but it doesn’t have to be. Answer questions about salary by being frank and honest.

Use sites like Glassdoor to research the range of average salaries for your job title, industry and experience level. During the second interview process, make sure to say that you are open to discussing a salary range that is fairly based on your skill set.

3. Practice answering interview questions in the mirror

You get a good look at your own inflections and body language by looking at yourself. By practicing in the mirror, you can get a first-hand gauge of which answers you may be stumbling on and need to work through, your posture, and your eye contact.

4. Make a list of your top questions about the job, etc.

It is paramount that you come to the second interview prepared with any questions that you have for your potential employer. Don’t be shy, either! This is the time that they really want to hear from you. Not to mention, asking insightful, follow-up interview questions is a great way to express interest in the position. Consider making priority the thoughts or concerns that may have come up for you during your first interview. In addition, think about specifics involved in the role that you may want to know before you accept the role.

5. Avoid being too stiff—just be yourself!

Make sure that you come to the interview relaxed. They called you back in for a second interview, so chances are, they really like what they saw in the first interview and are seriously considering hiring you for this role. Release any tension in your shoulders, hold her head steady and keep steady eye contact.

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Questions an Employer Might Ask During a Second Interview 

Every interviewer is different and their questions may vary depending on which position they are hiring for, so there is no sure way of knowing which exact questions they will ask you.

By preparing answers for the below common interview questions, however, you can develop captivating talking points to make one last great impression during the second interview. Here are some of the common questions that interviewers might ask during the second interview.

1. What’s your ideal work environment?

2. Which management style do you find to be the most effective for you?

3. What do you know about this company?

4. What has been the most difficult decision you’ve had to make in a previous role?

5. Can you tell me about a recent obstacle you overcame?

6. What work accomplishment are you the proudest of and why?

7. Why are you the best candidate for this job?

8. How would you describe your best relationships at work? How about the worst?

9. What are your strengths, and what areas do you need improvement?

10. What are your short and long-term goals, and how does this position fit into them?

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11. If you got this job, what are some of the first things you would do in this role?

12. What sorts of challenges do you hope to tackle in this position?

13. Can you share a particular example of a time when a project’s priorities changed suddenly and you had to adapt?

14. Have you ever worked on a project that didn't turn out as planned?

15. What attributes do you think you'd bring to the team?

16. What’s your typical role when you're in a teamwork setting?

17. How do you manage your time when you're assigned multiple projects with the same deadline?

18. How do you make decisions?

19. What are your salary expectations for this role?

20. Why do you want to work for this company?

21. In your own words, what do you think our company's main mission is?

22. Can you describe at least one situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone?

23. What are the things you like about your current job? How about the things you dislike?

24. Can you describe your ideal manager?

25. In group settings, are you more of a leader or a follower?

Related: 300 Words to Describe Yourself

Questions To Ask the Interviewer During Your Second Interview

Before you go in for your second interview, It is important that you prepare to ask thoughtful and in-depth questions to your interviewer(s). If you have any lingering questions from the first interview, now is your chance to ask them.

Moreover, if you’ve done your research on your actual interviewer, now would also be a good time to pick their brain about their roles, and even find out what they like about the organization from the perspective of someone who already works there. This will help give you a gauge of how the employees feel within their own roles and any advice that they can give to any newcomers.

Below are some questions you might want to ask your interviewer during your second interview. Be sure to pace yourself and not rush through them.

26. What challenges did the last person in this position face?

27. How many employees are on the team/in this department?

28. How would you describe your management style?

29. What’s a typical day like in the workplace?

30. What qualities do you think are required to succeed in this position?

31. What criteria do you use to choose candidates for interviews?

32. When would you like me to start, if I were to receive a job offer for this position?

33. What growth opportunities are available in this role?

34. How often do people typically stay in this position?

35. What benefits (health insurance, 401k, etc.) are offered to employees?

36. How is performance measured in this company?

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37. How much travel does this position require?

38. In the following 30, 60, and 90 days, what does success look like in this position?

39. Does this position qualify for overtime pay, if needed?

40. What do you like most about working at this company?

41. How does the management provide feedback to employees?

42. What are the typical work hours for this position?

43. Who would the person in this job collaborate with/work most closely with?

44. Who had this role before, and why did they leave?

45. What kind of impact do you think someone in this position may have on the company?

46. How does this company handle discrimination issues, and have you encountered any on this team?

47. What other tasks not mentioned in the job description should someone in this role expect to perform?

48. What opportunities for professional development are available with this company?

49. Will I be expected to keep up with my emails over the weekend or while on vacation?

50. Do my salary expectations align with yours for this position?

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