Pregnancy Confidential Podcast Week 37: First Week With Baby

Find out what's going on in week 40+ of your pregnancy on this podcast episode of Pregnancy Confidential.

 Welcome to Week 37 of your pregnancy—and eek! Your baby is almost here. This has probably dawned on you no less than 30 trillion times in the last week and you might be starting to feel that panic over what this parenting thing will really be like—and how you'll really feel that week post-birth (will you even know what to do with a baby?). In this episode, we get real about what that very first week back from the hospital will be like, and we're not holding back... 

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About The Podcast

Pregnancy Confidential is a week-by-week podcast hosted by editors from Parents and Fit Pregnancy and Baby. Each episode walks listeners through the physical, emotional and all-round quirks of each week of pregnancy. This is real-talk, girlfriend-to-girlfriend stuff—no hard-to-understand medical information here. This podcast will be your best friend, taking you through the real feelings—the joy and the annoyances—of pregnancy so you never have to experience any of it alone. And it'll have you chuckling all along the way. All episodes available now!