Pregnancy Confidential Podcast Week 12: Hi, Boss. I'm Pregnant!

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It's Week 12 and you've made it to the last week of your first trimester. Congrats! It's an exciting milestone because it means your miscarriage risk drops significantly, your troublesome first trimester symptoms should start to subside, and you can start to breathe easier in this pregnancy—it's also around when a lot of people start thinking about telling the world. But before you blast the news on Facebook, you'll want to tell your boss, so they aren't the last to find out after Dave in accounting. This week's episode covers everything you need to know about being pregnant at work—from the big reveal to planning for your maternity leave (which may feel a million years from now but will come up sooner than you think).

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About The Podcast

Pregnancy Confidential is a week-by-week podcast hosted by editors from Parents and Fit Pregnancy and Baby. Each episode walks listeners through the physical, emotional and all-round quirks of each week of pregnancy. This is real-talk, girlfriend-to-girlfriend stuff—no hard-to-understand medical information here. This podcast will be your best friend, taking you through the real feelings—the joy and the annoyances—of pregnancy so you never have to experience any of it alone. And it'll have you chuckling all along the way. All episodes available now!