Precious Hamster's Reaction to Mom Coming Home Tugs at the Heartstrings

People who claim that small rodents like hamsters aren't affectionate have obviously never bonded with a hamster. Hamsters are absolutely capable of loving their moms and dads just like any other pet.

Check out the following video posted by TikTok user @Skyecutter to see what happens when little hamster Oscar realizes mom is home after being gone for ten days!

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It takes him a minute but then he gets so excited when he realizes she is finally home. It's just too adorable. TikTok users agree and @Han comments, "I've just come back from holiday and my hamster reacted the same, then he came out and sat with me for ages, They are such sensitive creatures." @Raja replies, "Mummy's love will only do. He loves you completely." He really does! @Rachel says, "Thank you for showing this animal so much love, his cage is absolutely beautiful. What a wonderful person you are."

TikTok users also love the gorgeous habitat this hamster has, and @Ammie says, "This hamster lives better than a lot of people!" @Sara adds, "I love his spacious home!! This is how all hamsters should live!" @LR adds, "The most amazing enclosure I've ever seen."

Instead of sticking your hamster in a tiny glass aquarium, providing a spacious enclosure for your hamster is important for their overall well-being and happiness. Hamsters are active animals that need ample space to explore, exercise, and engage in natural behaviors. We think Oscar is proof of what a wonderful home can do for your own hamster's well being!

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