Precious Dog Totally Loses It Upon Seeing Grandma Arrive for Thanksgiving

There’s nothing like the bond between a dog and his grandma. And when grandma arrives, it’s a cause for celebration (and zoomies).

That was just the vibe in one house when grandma came to visit for Thanksgiving. The dog was sitting at the window patiently waiting for his grandma to arrive. When she finally did, he totally lost it. He wouldn’t stop running around the house barking and spinning in circles.

She came inside and he had an absolute blast barking and running from her. He didn’t even let her touch him. He was just too excited. He was barking with his entire body!

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This kind of reaction is one we see happening with dogs a lot. There just seems to be that special bond between dogs and grandparents that surpasses everything. We can’t believe that this dog didn’t even stop running around the house for pets!

Once the pup calms down, he’s not going to be leaving grandma’s side. He’s going to be stuck to her like glue—and she won’t seem to mind at all. She probably gives the dog a lot of attention and treats while she’s over, which is why the dog caused such a commotion about her coming to visit.

It’s so precious to see the bond between this dog and his grandma. They really must spend a lot of time together when she’s over!

While the holidays can be really hectic and busy, moments like this are what spending the holidays with family is all about. It’s about hugging each other, spending time together, and sharing a meal together—creating memories that will last a lifetime.

This dog knows just how important family is, and he’s not going to let grandma just sneak in the door without a celebration. He really loves his grandma a lot, and it’s clear that she does too!

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