Precious Cat's Love for Human Sibling's 'Barbie House' Is Just Too Cute

Watching her in the dollhouse from a kitten until now is adorable!

Ah, the good old days of childhood, when the only things we had to worry about were whether our Barbie's outfit matched her shoes and how we could convince our cat to participate in our imaginary world domination plot. We'd set up the scene, carefully positioning our dolls just so, and then wait with bated breath for our feline accomplice to pounce. Voila! Barbie is invaded by a giant furry feline Godzilla!

Well, @Gucci_The_kitty_04 had it all going on because they got to play in an actual Barbie dream house. Some of us are still bitter we never had one of those!

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How absolutely precious is it to see this cat still playing in the same Barbie dream house they played in as a kitten? TikTok users agree and @Kat comments, "The best cat tree!" @Emily was obviously a kid who had the same ideas we did and says, "This is what I call a dinosaur attack of Barbie land." @Sarah adds, "That is no longer a dollhouse, it is in fact a cat tree in full bloom." @Stephanie hilariously comments, "My cat destroyed my doll house when she had a little growth spurt, tries to go through a door way and took out an entire wall."

If a company were to create Barbie-themed cat condos, we are pretty sure they would sell out almost immediately. Not that we'd be the first ones in line to buy one or anything.

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