PPG's Already Calling the 2020 Color of the Year, and It Looks Flattering in Any Room

Photo credit: PPG
Photo credit: PPG

From House Beautiful

Gone is the obsession with gray in the home, if PPG has any say in it. The Pennsylvania-based paint company will announce its 2020 Color of the Year today, and it's anything but neutral. HouseBeautiful got a sneak peek at the hue last month, and we've been biting our tongues to keep from revealing the news, but the day has finally come to reveal the secret: The PPG 2020 Color of the Year is Chinese Porcelain.

Photo credit: PPG
Photo credit: PPG

That's right; not gray, not beige, not that dreaded combination of the two greige, but a deep, spunky blue, inspired by history and travel. According to PPG's senior color manager (dream job alert) Dee Schlotter, this jolt of color is meant as a reaction to our tech-driven world.

"The faster technology moves and the more convenience it offers, the more we seek activities, experiences and lifestyles that impart slowness and realness into our lives," she says. "The need for simplicity and escapism from technology is, in part, the reason that consumers are craving blues like Chinese Porcelain that bring us closer to natural elements such as the sea and sky-creating serenity in any space."

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

This echoes the reasoning for Pantone's 2019 Color of the Year, Living Coral, which that brand also chose for its ties to the natural world. Unlike Coral, though, which some might deem too electric for their homes, Chinese Porcelain is a hue that can look at home in virtually any space-just think of it as a slightly more interesting navy.

PPG is the first in a big group of paint companies to announce a Color of the Year for 2020-stay tuned for more, and let's hope there's more color where that came from!

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