Powder Review: Faction Mana 3

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In a Nutshell

The Faction Mana 3 strikes an interesting balance. Freestyle skiers looking for a ski that feels a little longer and more stable than other options on the market, and aren’t prioritizing playful pow performance will get along really well with the Mana 3.

  • Length Skied: 184 cm

  • Weight: 2113 g

  • Stated Dimensions: 140-112-134 mm

  • Stated Sidecut: 21 m

  • Recommended Mount Point: -5.5 cm for “Newschool”

Faction's Mana 3 is available now.


Faction’s Dancers used to be Dictators, and their Manas used to be Candides, but their core personality still shines through. The Dancers are freeride skis, the Prodigies are freestyle skis, and Faction says that the Mana blends the best of both worlds. So, the Mana series is meant to be a versatile blend, and the Mana 3 is the middle ski in the Mana line, so is it actually the most versatile ski Faction makes?

That’s a hard question to answer definitively, but the Mana 3 does bring an interesting mix of traits to the table that will make it really attractive to some skiers.

Length and Mount Point

I skied the 184 cm Mana 3, which is right in line with my usual preference. Personally, I’d rather bump over to a 184 cm Dancer 3, than up to a 190 cm Mana 3, but I understand that some skiers will prefer the longer length in this layup.

Faction makes the Mana 3, as well as the unisex version for shorter people, the 3X in five lengths from 165 cm to 190 cm, so there should be a size out there to fit most skiers.

Similar to other Factions, the Mana 3 has three mount lines, with the Newschool line being the furthest forward at -5.5 cm. That’s where I skied the Mana, and I really liked it there. I wouldn’t hesitate to move it a centimeter forward or back though. But, if you’re thinking of making big mount point adjustments in either direction, it might be an indicator that you should have gone for the more directional Dancer or more centered Prodigy.

Where does the Mana 3 shine?

The Mana 3 feels more like a wide traditional park ski than it does like a narrower powder ski. In this 110ish underfoot playful all-mountain ski category, it feels like many options fall into one of those two camps. Skis like the Atomic Bent 110 have a lot of taper and rocker, like their powder-focused siblings, while the Mana 3 has a pretty traditional shape and a whole bunch of camber with a little tip and tail rocker. That means that it skis longer than skis like the Bent 110, and feels more substantial and locked in in chopped up snow.

The Mana 3 has a higher speed limit than skis like the Bent 110, or Faction Prodigy in variable conditions, and it feels more stable and powerful when the snow is less than perfect. That makes it quite fun to ski fast in soft and consistent, but cut up snow. It provides a nice platform to stand on, and is light and easy to spin in the air.

The Mana 3 isn’t a super damp ski, but it does absorb more chatter than skis like the Bent 110 or similar. It’s also quite poppy, I found myself lofting higher off small bumps than I expected with the Mana 3.

Where does the Mana 3 make some compromises?

On the flip side, the Mana 3 is not as loose and easy to play around on in fresh snow, doesn’t float quite as well, and doesn’t have that super light, effortless feel that some other skis in this class have. That locked in, stable feeling that’s so great at higher speeds works against the Mana in tighter terrain and deeper snow. It is interesting to note that while it is about the same weight as the Dancer 3, the Mana 3 doesn’t really feel more dampened, or more stable. Its tips are more likely to deflect, and it feels like it’s a little less precise and has a lower speed limit overall.

It’s also not as forgiving of under or over rotated spins as it could be. The tips and tails feel a little catchy or hooky when your landing is less than idea. This is not a ski you can get away with landing within 45 degrees of your goal and shuffling out.

What would a perfect day on the Mana 3 look like?

It snowed, so you’re taking laps through the chopped up fresh snow in your favorite open chutes zone. As you cruise back to the chair, you slide a rail or two in the mini park, spin the jump line, and hop back on the chair for another lap.

Faction's Mana 3 is available now.