Postman Delivers Package Addressed to the Dog and It's Downright Epic

He couldn't help but chuckle over it

Does your dog have a name that's hilarious or bizarre or just fun to say? Well, here's a fun trick that we can all get behind - start getting packages delivered to your home addressed to your dog. This game is amazingly effective if your postal person or delivery driver has to knock on your door to get a signature or to make sure someone is home.

This is what happened to the owner or a dog named @Erniepoo, and watching the mail dude deliver a letter for the dog and say who the letter is addressed to is just too funny.

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@Winnieandwinston comments, "Hahaha our postman is the same! Knows what ones are for the pups by the packaging and he says 'What have they got this time?' @Kjw011981 replies, "This is us!" @truffles_sable_thecockapoo adds, "I can't stop watching this."

This may also determine what you should name any future dogs you adopt. How about "Princess Fairy Cupcake Breath?" Just imagine the knock at your door.. "Hello, we have a delivery for Princess Fairy Cupcake Breath!"

Actually, you could probably just give your generic 'Fido' a clever new nickname for this game.. too bad 'Erniepoo' is already taken!

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