A Millennial Baby Boom Could Be Coming, And More Trending Money Stories From This Week

1.Portugal made it illegal for your boss to text you outside of work hours if you do your job remotely.

2.Consumer prices in October were up 6.2% over last year, the biggest jump we've seen since 1990.

3.Grimes' ex sold about $5 billion in Tesla stock, seemingly because a Twitter poll told him to.

4.It's open enrollment season, so we have some pro tips for choosing a health plan.

5.A teacher's TikTok about how much he got paid in his first year of teaching went viral, and tbh, teachers deserve more.

Cleveland fourth grade teacher Kyle Cohen sparked a lot of conversation this week with a TikTok video breaking down how much he made in his first year of teaching. "In my first year of teaching, I taught at a charter school here in Cleveland, Ohio, and I made $31,000 as a fourth-grade teacher with a class of 16 students with a wide range of special needs — and I had my college degree and experience,” he says in the clip.

He told BuzzFeed, "My hope in making these videos is to start some real conversations. Our teachers (and students!) deserve the best, and it is the unfortunate reality that we are far from making this dream a reality."

6.Sales of pregnancy tests are up, which could signal a "millennial baby boom" in the near future.

Person holding a pregnancy test

7.And there was controversy around a billionaire's plans for a 4,000-person windowless dorm.

8.Finally, office buildings around the United States are transforming into apartment buildings.

Modern open office

Hey, look at us. We made it through another week. Who would've thought?

Hot Ones / Via tenor.com

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