Porcelain Rocket Orbiter Rolltop Frame Bag Lets You Bring the Kitchen Sink

Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team
Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team

More than any other piece of gear, frame bags have changed the game for today's bikepacker: Centralizing the weight on your bike makes for better handling than traditional panniers or a handlebar roll, and your gear is easier to access, too.

Canadian adventure cycling gear maker Porcelain Rocket custom-builds its frame bags to your bike's shape in 22 color options. Its new Orbiter frame pack fits snugly within the front triangle of my Niner ROS9, and the rolltop closure eliminates the chance of having zippers blow out when I'm miles from anywhere. The rolltop does make getting in and out of the bag slightly harder, but unlike side-zipper bags, which almost always leave unused space at the top, the Orbiter is easy to fill all the way up.

Related: 4 Tips for Self-Supported Bikepacker

Price: $220
Weight: 443g, as tested

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