Popular Surf Spot Tagged with Swastikas and Antisemitic Graffiti in New York

The town of Montauk on New York's Long Island was the victim of an "act of hate" on Monday.

Vandals sprayed antisemitic graffiti including swastikas on two food trucks at popular surf spot, Ditch Plains, and store fronts throughout the village.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, antisemitic incidents in the United States have increased 388% since war broke out between Israel and Palestine in early October.

Long Island news source 27East captioned the post above:

"Vandals spray-painted swastikas and anti-Israeli sentiments on three Montauk businesses and in at least two other locations overnight on Sunday.

"Two food trailers in the parking lot of Ditch Plains beach were tagged with the swastikas in black spray paint and the words “Free Palestine” – although, that sentiment appeared to be misspelled.

"The graffiti appeared on Blue Elm Foods and Sweeneys Weeinies trailers parked along the dunes in the Ditch lot and at a third downtown business, as well as on an Adopt-A-Road sign and an electrical utility box, both near the Ditch Plains beach lot.

"East Hampton Town Police were on scene Monday morning and investigating the incident. Members of the Montauk community are planning a “peace rally” on the Montauk hamlet green for Monday at 4 p.m.

"'Early this morning, the Ditch Plains comfort station, two food trucks and numerous road signs were found to be defaced with black paint swastikas and anti-Semitic writing,' Police Chief Michael Sarlo said on Monday.

“Additionally, several commercial establishments in Montauk were subsequently found with similar graffiti. EHTPD patrol has responded to each location and continues to canvass areas for other instances related to this terrible act.

”Detectives are handling the investigation, the chief said, and ask anyone with possible information to call 631-537-7575 and report any suspicious vehicles, persons or activities observed in the area during the overnight hours.

“'This is a horrific act of hate, and our department will work tirelessly to solve this crime,' Sarlo said.

"The Ditch Plains lot has been plagued by vandals for years and East Hampton Town has plans in the works to install surveillance cameras.


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