Popular Massachusetts Bike Park Announces 2024 Opening Day

Thunder Mountain Bike Park in Charlemont Massachusetts, fresh off a solid bit of trail work, has announced their opening day.

Thunder will open to the public on Friday, May 24th, 2024. See their promotion for opening day below.

Thunder is located in the beautiful Berkshire mountains of Western Massachusetts at Berkshire East Ski Area.

Thunder is known for its jump trails, ranging from the intermediate “Gronk” all the way up to the enormous Fort Hill line. Additionally, their tech trails are great as well.

New England is a region known for its bike parks. Thunder, along with Killington, Highland, Bolton, and many more make the region a must-visit for gravity mountain bikers.

All in all, Thunder is a bike park that is very much worth a visit.

Thunder Mountain Bike Park Stats:

Trails: 27

Vertical Drop: 1180 feet

Rentals: Yes

<p>Thunder Mountain Bike Park</p>

Thunder Mountain Bike Park

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