Poplar Springs students celebrate the arts

May 17—Poplar Springs Elementary School students were exposed to an array of art forms Thursday during the school's annual Celebrate Arts event.

Celebrate Arts allowed students in kindergarten through fifth grades to rotate among several classroom stations where they experienced various art-related activities that focused on visual arts, music, movement, drama, culinary arts and martial arts, said Nancy Walton, a gifted teacher at Poplar Springs Elementary who spearheaded the fun day for students.

"The purpose of today is to bring art into the school via volunteer artists who just have a love for whatever art form they happen to have, and they want to share it with the students," she said.

Among the community artists and organizations on hand to celebrate the arts with the students were Meridian Symphony Association; Mississippi Arts + Entertainment Experience; Mississippi Children's Museum-Meridian; Mark Davis Photography; Darrin Mitchell Jr., founder of Be The Best You fitness initiative; Meridian High School band; pianist Jharmain Inge; Carol Merrill Academy of Dance; Meridian Little Theatre; and guitarist Dan Confait of DC Guitar Studio. Ross Collins Educators Rising students also assisted as volunteers.

"We have artists come in from all the main strands of art, so we have music, movement, drama and then visuals arts. This year we added culinary arts and martial arts, although it is more like movement. I'm always open to bringing something new and different in. A big goal I have had in the past couple of years is bringing diverse artists in," Walton said.

Started in 2006, Celebrate Arts has been held every year since with the exception of the COVID years of 2020 and 2021.

On Thursday, students experienced various art activities from working with block prints to creating a collage to playing a ukulele to making a charcuterie board.

Walton said students have less exposure to the arts in their regular curriculum these days so having a day dedicated to celebrating the arts is rewarding for the students.

"The arts is the language that speaks to everyone. It does not discriminate," she said. "It is a goal everyone can reach on their own terms. In essence, it is diverse, it is multi-cultural, and it is motivating for the most part."

Contact Glenda Sanders at gsanders@themeridianstar.com.