What Is Popcorn Lung, and Can You Get It from Vaping?

What Is Popcorn Lung, and Can You Get It from Vaping? The explosion of JUUL's popularity is just one part of the rise of e-cigarettes, particularly among American teens. But with the resurgence of smoking —even in "e" form—comes the rise of vaping-related illness. One buzzword surrounding the dangers of vaping has been catching on and causing concern: popcorn lung. Popcorn lung is a condition that affects the lung's airways which may lead to extensive internal scarring. Symptoms include dry cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath. The hallmark of these symptoms is that they do not improve with typical lung treatments such as inhalers or steroids. Though it hasn't been determined if vaping causes popcorn lung, vaping may cause other lung-related illnesses.