I Polled My Friends on Their Most Pressing Wellness Questions and Here They Are… Answered

With so many health trends and fad diets lately, it’s hard to decipher what’s true and what’s false in the world of wellness. I thought it would be helpful to take a poll among my girlfriends and ask them: “What are your most pressing wellness questions?” So here they are, answered!

Green celery smoothie
Green celery smoothie

1. “What’s up with CBD?” – Hannah C.

Here’s the skinny on CBD, short-hand for “Cannabidiol” — a naturally occurring cannabinoid constituent of cannabis. It has significant medical benefits but does not make you feel stoned. Because it’s non-psychoactive, many people have incorporated CBD into their health and wellness routines as it can provide relief from inflammation, anxiety, seizures, and so much more.

The cool thing about CBD is that a ton of scientific and clinical research is funded by the US government, so you can actually buy into the health benefits being touted by CBD products and companies. It’s currently being used and tested for treatment for things like arthritis, diabetes, chronic pain, schizophrenia, depression, epilepsy, and more.

You can get CBD-isolate products, which contain zero THC and are non-psychoactive, or you can get CBD+THC products, which may make you feel a little bit silly. The choice is up to you; you’ll reap the benefits no matter what.

My favorite CBD-isolate company is MedTerra. Their pure oil tincture is wonderful for pain management. I had a migraine the other day, took the tincture, and had my pain reduced by half within 10 minutes. Their CBD is hemp-derived and grown on their farm in Kentucky under The Hemp Pilot Program of 2014. Check them out for organic, high-quality products!

2. “Can you explain this whole celery juice trend?” – Jilly H.

If you haven’t seen celery juice being touted as the next “IT” wellness drink, then get on Instagram ASAP. Why is it popular all of a sudden? All signs point to Anthony William, AKA The Medical Medium, an American man whose best-selling books about his power to heal have become quite popular in the past few years.

In a nutshell, he believes he can identify anyone’s illness through his connection to a higher power — hidden, mysterious, or already known — simply by being in their presence. From there, he also knows how to heal these ailments, primarily using food as medicine. I’ve personally read his book, The Medical Medium, and it is truly odd. However, the testimonials of his power to heal are no joke, and he has tons of celebs and ambassadors that love him. This is where the celery juice comes in. He “prescribes” celery juice daily to anyone suffering from inflammation, primarily those who have some type of auto-immune disorder.

The reality is that celery juice does contain two anti-inflammatory compounds, polyacetylene and luteolin, and so it makes absolute sense that drinking it every day would have a net-positive effect on your health, especially if you’re struggling with an auto-immune disorder. Is it tasty? Kind of. Should you try it if you have inflammation issues? Totally! Just pick celery that’s organic, and you can even peel the outer layer off with a vegetable peeler to make sure it’s clean before juicing it.

I follow @thebalancedblonde on Instagram, and she is a huge proponent of the celery juice drink trend. I’d recommend giving her a follow and learning about her personal healthcare journey.

3. “If I don’t have a gluten-allergy, should I really be eating gluten-free?” – Lauren P.

Honestly? No. I’ve spoken to so many nutritionists about this specific matter, and the reality is if that you don’t have a REAL (meaning tested and proven) intolerance to gluten, you should go ahead and eat the bread. Only 10 percent of the population is at a high gluten risk (like, if you have celiac). Needing to eat gluten-free is simply a myth for most people and one that healthcare workers are sick of hearing.

I personally think people eliminate gluten because they are trying to avoid carbs. They begin to link them together, and it’s a huge mistake. Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of energy, and we need them to survive. If you eliminate carbohydrates and rely on protein for energy, your body will think it’s starving and go into protection mode, burning your muscles for energy.

One of the biggest issues with avoiding gluten is that you’re tempted to purchase products marketed as “gluten-free,” and the underlying issue is that from a nutrition standpoint, most of these products are total crap. In fact, individuals who limit gluten in their diets are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes.

So… eat a healthy piece of bread. Avoid the “gluten-free” snacks. Enjoy your life. If you’re worried about experiencing the bloat that’s common throughout the day, try taking a digestive enzyme.

Hope this Q&A can shed some light on the sometimes confusing AF wellness world we live in! Follow along on @lovewellness for more tips.

What other wellness questions do you want answered? Tweet us @BritandCo.

(Photo via Getty)