Police in Ireland Are on the Hunt for Stolen Tanks of Bull Semen

We often hear of people stealing cars, jewelry, or other valuable things from our home, but rarely is bull semen among those items.

It turns out that the substance lives up to its reputation of being "white gold." Two tanks of the stuff have been stolen from a farm in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, leading to a massive police hunt for the stolen goods and the culprits who snatched them. While the exact value of the stolen semen hasn't been confirmed, police noted it has "significant value." Just the empty tanks themselves are believed to be worth $2,400.

"It was reported to police that the two tanks, which contained a large quantity of cattle semen, were stolen after entry was gained to an outbuilding in the area," the Mid Ulster Police said on Facebook. "The stolen tanks and contents were of significant value, and at this time, our enquiries are ongoing as we work to establish the circumstances surrounding this theft."

The semen's exact worth depends on the breed and genetic quality of the bull, but it's safe to say it isn't cheap. In 2016, a thief in California stole 3,500 units of bull semen estimated to be worth around $50,000. According to the BBC, some of the most valuable white gold sells for approximately $600 per "semen straw."

The semen is stored in plastic straws and frozen in cryogenic tanks to keep it safe until it's time to artificially inseminate a female cow. To ensure quality and maximum preservation, it's stored at roughly -320 degrees Fahrenheit. One tank can hold between 200 and 300 of these straws.

Who knew bull semen was such an in-demand product?