Police Called After Dog Gets Head Stuck in Dryer Vent at SC Home

If you're a pet owner, chances are you've had your dog or cat try and disrupt everyone's favorite household chore of folding laundry. It's either the scent of freshly laundered clothes or how warm and cozy towels feel when they are fresh out of the dryer, but for whatever reasons dogs and cats love laundry day.

One dog in South Carolina named Spike took this entire situation to the extreme when he went straight to the source to investigate. Check out the following to see what we mean.

The funny post was shared to the Sumter Police Department and the Post reads, "ADVENTURES OF THE DOG KIND: Spike was sniffing out mischief when he got stuck in the dryer vent of a Warren Court home earlier today. With the help of Sumter PD and Sumter Fire Department personnel, happy hound was freed from his unfortunate circumstance and is doing fine, probably looking to see what else he can get into for the day."

One of Spike's human family members took the time out to make a comment and said, "I am thankful for the time and the care from both police and fire department for rescuing spike, it took an lil over an hour glad I was home while Kam was at school. Job Well Done. - Grandma."

Related: Tiny Chihuahua Resting in Warm Basket of Laundry Steals Our Hearts

@Sharon added, "Spike is a mischievous one! Thanks for freeing the lil fella. Hopefully he learned his lesson." @Deanna responded, "As an owner of hounds, this is not at all surprising. I'm glad the handsome boy is safe now. Hopefully, it will be a while before he gets into another predicament!" @Tori said, "Typical hound! I just love them!"

Spike isn't the only dog to get himself into a strange predicament, because this sort of thing has been happening quite a bit lately.

Other weird places pets have gotten stuck recently.

Last week, it was reported a dog rescuer had spent over a month attempting to free a stray dog that had a cat-feeding food jug stuck on his head. A firefighter bravely saved a tiny kitten that was stuck on a median on a very busy freeway. A stray cat got himself stuck in a desk and had to be saved by kind policemen. A husky on a hike got stuck behind the Hollywood sign last spring. And not a pet, per se, but a teeny tiny bat got himself trapped in a bathroom vent and had to be saved by a kind rescuer.

I'm not sure what exactly is going on with animals lately, but they should stop getting themselves trapped in such odd places and give us all of worriers a break!

Related: Adorable Dog Won't Let Mom Put Away Laundry in Peace And We're Loving It

I'm not sure there's any way you can keep a super curious dog (or cat) out of the dryer vent, so I suppose we will all know need to police our animals constantly the next time we see them wander into the laundry room. Thank goodness Spike is safe and sound and let's all hope this cute little curious pup doesn't pull a stunt like that again.

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