Polaroid Released a Special Edition Stranger Things Camera and It's Totally Bitchin'

Photo credit: Netflix/Polaroid Originals
Photo credit: Netflix/Polaroid Originals

From Seventeen

After watching roughly 30 straight hours of Stranger Things, there are certain things you will (*cups hands around mouth* WILL!!!!!) forever associate with the Netflix show. Converse sneakers for one, any mention of Dungeons and Dragons, the number eleven, and of course a classic Polaroid camera.

Jonathan Byers might be too good for Polaroids (he doesn't shoot Polaroid, for your information), but everyone else on the show loves a good click-and-print moment almost as much as you do. And now that summer has arrived, both in Hawkins and in your hometown, the brand has released the perfect camera to capture all your vacation memories.

Polaroid teamed up with Stranger Things to create a vintage-inspired OneStep 2 camera cloaked in the series' iconic colors of blue and red. It has the ST logo on top and, appropriately, "Polaroid" is written upside down.

Pretty bitchin, right? If you don't want to splurge on a whole new camera, they also released a special edition film pack that comes printed with exclusive designs in the margins – the Scoops Ahoy logo, Hawkins Lab IDs, the Hawkins High mascot. The film works with any OneStep 2.

Make sure to scoop it up fast, because unlike the demogorgons, once it's gone it won't come back.

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