Here’s the Pokémon That Captures Each Zodiac Sign’s Desire to Catch Them All

You can’t nostalgia-trip back to the late-’90s or early 2000s without stumbling upon the frenzy known as “Pokemania,” during which the now-iconic Pokémon franchise first became a global phenomenon. While lots of trends from the Y2K-era are currently making a resurgence in the mainstream trend cycle, Pokémon has never left—and knowing which Pokémon captures each zodiac sign best is a fun way to reconnect with these quirky little pocket monsters.

In the Pokémon universe, human trainers collect various species of creatures called Pokémon and then train them for battles, where many of the Pokémon eventually “evolve” into more powerful versions of their characters. Each Pokémon has a unique profile of strengths, weaknesses, and elemental qualities known as “types”—much like the way that zodiac signs have their own traits and categorizations. However, while there are only twelve zodiac signs, there are currently more than 1,000 different Pokémon. But if you were around during the age of Pokemania, then you’ll probably best recall the original 151 characters, known as Generation I.

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Whether you traded Pokémon cards as a kid on the playground or are still hunting for these cute little creatures via the AR-based Pokémon GO app, you’ll appreciate knowing which Pokémon is most energetically aligned with your zodiac sign. Gotta catch ‘em all!

The Pokémon That Captures Each Zodiac Sign

If you want to catch them all, read on for the Pokémon that resembles your zodiac sign.

Aries: You’re Charmander

As the first sign and unofficial leader of the zodiac, it makes sense that Aries would be best represented by one of the three primary “starter Pokémon” in the original games. And Charmander—a Pokémon equipped with a live flame that burns at the tip of its tail—most definitely captures Aries’ bold and blazing spirit. Classified as a fire type in the franchise, Charmander is feisty and dragon-like, much like hot-headed and energetic Aries. And according to the official Pokedex, it has a “has a preference for hot things”—which also feels very Aries, considering that this fire sign is ruled by red-hot planet Mars.

Taurus: You’re Bulbasaur

Tauruses are the zodiac’s fixed earth signs, which is why it makes so much sense that they’d be represented by a sturdy and forest-dwelling Pokémon like Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur are known for being very loyal, which fully aligns with the dedicated and dependable vibes of a Taurus. These creatures are born with a live seed on their back that slowly grows larger throughout their lives, mirroring Taurus’ slow and steady approach to life. Plus, Bulbasaur’s final evolution is a powerful being called Venusaur—bringing to mind Taurus’ governing planet Venus, the cosmic ruler of value and harmony.

Gemini: You’re Dratini

Dratini are known for the special ability to shed their skin, and that kind of changeable energy is spot-on for a mutable sign like Gemini—a curious air sign known for its ever-evolving opinions and ideas. Dratini has been nicknamed the “Mirage Pokémon,” because according to Pokémon lore, they were originally so difficult to catch that their existence was questioned altogether. While Geminis may not be quite that difficult to pin down, the zodiac’s clever and mercurial twins are most definitely giving catch-me-if-you-can energy, and keeping up with their quick wits and faced-paced brains can be just about as challenging as capturing a Dratini in the wild.

Cancer: You’re Squirtle

There couldn’t be a more Cancerian Pokémon than the water-dwelling Squirtle. These turtle-like creatures have a protective shell to retreat into in order to shield themselves from danger, and similarly, sensitive Cancers are known for protecting their delicate emotions behind a hard exterior, too. These water signs have big hearts, so they’re careful not to put them into the wrong hands! Squirtle may be cute, but when necessary, it defends itself by shooting a powerful stream of water out of its shell. Same goes for Cancers—don’t mistake their sweetness for weakness! These cosmic crabs are strong cardinal signs, and they’re not afraid to use their crabby pincers if someone crosses them.

Leo: You’re Pikachu

Ruled by the sun itself, Leos are always the stars of the cosmic show, so it’s only fitting that they’d be represented by the most well-known Pokémon of them all: Pikachu! Known as the mascot of the Pokémon franchise and trainer Ash’s right-hand buddy, Pikachu is bright, cheerful, and makes a fantastic leader—just like Leos do. Pikachu also has a special ability to charge itself up with electricity, mirroring the solar-power of this confident and passion-fueled fire sign. No one can win over everyone, but both powerful Pikachu and gregarious Leos are especially easy to love.

Virgo: You’re Lapras

Down-to-earth Virgos are known for their altruistic and service-oriented nature—practical favors are their love language, and they enjoy being useful to the people around them. That’s why Lapras is a Pokémon they can relate to. Helpful and gentle, Lapras like to assist humans by carrying them across bodies of water. Like Virgos, their acts of service are unmatched. They’re also known for their incredibly high intelligence and ability to understand human speech. Virgos are equally sharp, as they’re ruled by intellectual planet Mercury, and known for their particularly analytical minds.

Libra: You’re Eevee

Furry and fox-like Eevee is a Pokémon with the special ability to evolve into many different forms, allowing it to blend in seamlessly wherever it goes. That’s why its vibe is so very Libran! These air signs exude charm, diplomacy, and social grace, allowing them to connect with just about anyone in any situation. Additionally, Eevee tends to take on the traits prominent in its environment, which can also be true for Libras—as this partnership-oriented sign tends to mirror others as a way of socially relating. Another commonality? Eevee’s weakness is fighting, and you could say the same for Libras. As the sign of the scales, Libras crave balance and harmony, so they generally dislike conflict and are usually the mediator instead of the one in the ring.

Scorpio: You’re Gastly

Evasive and enigmatic, the gaseous creature known as Gastly is definitely the dark and mysterious Scorpio of the Pokémon world. Just as the cosmic scorpion is equipped with proverbial claws and a dangerous stinger, Gastly is surrounded by a cloud of poisonous gas and has two sharp fangs that can render any of its opponents useless. Making an enemy of a Scorpio is just as irresponsible as doing so with Gastly, as these intense water signs are co-ruled by warrior Mars and power-hungry Pluto, so they can be quite cutthroat and competitive when they need to be.

Sagittarius: You’re Ponyta

The worldly and jovial sign of Sagittarius is symbolized by a bow-and-arrow wielding centaur—a mythical half-horse and half-human creature. But that’s just one of the reasons why the horse-like Ponyta is an obvious choice for a Sagittarian Pokémon. These powerful fire-types have a majestic mane and tail that are made up of brightly-lit flames, aligning with the element of fire that rules Sagittarius in astrology. Ponyta is also known for its incredible ability to leap very high and far through the air, which is a perfect representation of Sagittarius’ free-spirited nature and adventure-seeking heart.

Capricorn: You’re Articuno

The legendary and avian-like Articuno is a great representation of Capricorn’s ambitious and goal-oriented energy in the Pokémon universe. This Pokémon’s special ability is pressure, and that’s something that Capricorns are all too familiar with. Capricorn’s thrive when working under tight restrictions or deadlines, and they rarely lose their focus. Additionally, Articuno’s wings are said to be made of ice, much like the rings of Saturn—Capricorn’s tough and chilly ruling planet—and it has the power to create blizzards on command. As a cardinal earth sign, Capricorns could probably do the same if they really put their mind to it!

Aquarius: You’re Mew

Pokémon #151 is the enigmatic and one-of-a-kind Mew, and it definitely captures the cutting-edge energy of air sign Aquarius. Mew is known for having extremely unique DNA as compared to other Pokémon, and sometimes it feels like rebellious and unconventional Aquarians do, too! These air signs like to create their own path and do things differently, and they’re not afraid to stand out. And like community-oriented and collectivist Aquarians, Mew is deeply in tune with the energy around it, as it has the ability to “synchronize”—which means that if another Pokémon harms it, they’ll also inflict the same condition on themselves.

Pisces: You’re Jigglypuff

If sweet and go-with-the-flow Pisces were a Pokémon, they’d most definitely be Jigglypuff—the cotton-candy pink and balloon-like creature with the power to mesmerize others with its “cute charm,” according to the official Pokedex. Jigglypuff has the special gift of being able to lull its enemies to sleep by singing a sweet and hypnotic melody, which feels very Piscean. As a water sign ruled by dreamy and enchanting planet Neptune, Pisces tend to be passive, mystical, and otherworldly. So they would much sooner sing a mysterious siren song to win a fight rather than resort to violence.

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